georgia tech just beat kansas to advance to the final four. i am excited; my predection of GT over UConn in the championship game still has the chance to come true. xavier is leading duke right now, sure would be nice to see the blue devils lose.
today i returned to lusaka from our zambia cluster prayer retreat about an hour north of town. it was a time for all of the baptist missionaries to get together to pray. i had a great experience worshipping and learning.
i saw 'the passion' tonight. after all of the hype, it wasn't really what i expected. i enjoyed it, but it didn't hit me like i thought it might. i have a greater apprectiation for the sacrifice Jesus made by reading about it in the Bible rather than watching a movie interpretation of it.
i bowled as a substitute in one of the leagues last tuesday and did terrible. 3 games for a 108 average. this is after weeks of practice with my average well over 140. part of the problem is that i am used to bowling in a lane by myself and not with 3 other people. so i have bowled 4 practice games since at a slower pace and done better- 151, 123, 119, and 177, the last two games coming tonight. i will bowl for this team again on tuesday so i'll have a chance to redeem myself.
i had another basketball game canceled last week, always frustrating. i have another game this wednesday and unfortunately it is possibly the last game of the season- which also means it may be my last game to coach in zambia.
my brother comes tomorrow and my parents the next day; i am excited.
(listening to: thursday- 'war all the time')