Thursday, January 27, 2005

I have more time on the internet than I have had in a long time, but still lack the motivation for some reason to update this. But I found a reason today, so here goes.

I am a big Pedro the Lion fan, always have been. From the time I first heard the Whole EP, it has been good, original music, as much as it has changed throughout the years. The newest album, 'Achilles' Heel,' I think is David Bazan's weakest work, but I still enjoy it. His lyrics have gotten more challenging, and while I do not agree with some of them, at least they are thought-provoking unlike most music today.

About a month ago I found about about Bazan's new project, The Headphones. Essentially it was supposed to be electronic Pedro the Lion. The guitars have been replaced with keyboards. This was exciting to me, I was hoping it would be as refreshing as the Postal Service has been to Death Cab for Cutie.

Well, premiering today is the entire Headphones album online at Pure Volume. You can listen to the entire thing for free here. If you like Pedro, please go listen, and let me know what you think. I think it is horrible. Some of the worst music I have ever heard. The sounds, the lyrics, the instrumentation are all completely depressing. I have encouraged people to buy Pedro the Lion music for years, but please don't buy this!

Back to Death Cab for Cutie, they are my favorite band of the moment. I also love the Postal Service, but I think Death Cab is tons better. I have been finding lots of random, free mp3s online of theirs, here are some links:

Live Covers (from Tears for Fears to Michael Jackson)

Live Ben Gibbard Solo

(Listening to: Starflyer 59- 'The Last Laurel' EP)