Wednesday, September 16, 2009

emusic Download recommendations

I just had someone post a comment asking for recent emusic recommendations- great idea! As usual, I have been neglecting this blog, so this should be an easy enough way for me to get a good post in.

1. Thrice. Unfortunately their new album, 'Beggars', has not hit emusic yet, but it will. The CD and iTunes versions are available. I have been meaning to write a detailed review about it, but keep putting it off. In short, 'Beggars' is the most cohesive album they have done since 2003's 'Artist in the Ambulance.' It sounds nothing like that album though, and really sounds nothing like anything they have ever done. It is very raw and lyrically powerful. Back to emusic, download 'The Alchemy Index' if you have not already, all four volumes are there.

2. David Bazan- Curse Your Branches. I'll avoid any comments on the spiritual implications of this release, but I will say musically it is the best thing he has done since Pedro the Lion's 'Control.' (Speaking of 'Control', it is also on emusic.) I actually haven't heard the whole album yet, because I am waiting on the vinyl to arrive. I have resisted the urge to go ahead and get the mp3s from emusic.

3. The Appleseed Cast- Sagarmatha. If you haven't downloaded the album of the year yet, now is the time. Epic, original post-rock. This post is about emusic, but I will say if you are going to only buy one vinyl album this year, get this one. In addition to a bonus track, the artwork is spectacular, from the cover to the vinyl itself. I think the CD and emusic cover for this album is horrible, but the vinyl cover is gorgeous.

4. Metric- Fantasies
. Band has been around for awhile, but I did not discover them until this 2009 release. Great indie dance-rock with female vocals. High energy, I would love to see this band live.

5. The Lassie Foundation- Through and Through. Northern Records recently added most of their catalog to the emusic database, including this Lassie Foundation two-disc set. In addition to this, all the Cush albums are highly recommended, although they are all at least 5 years old (ignore the incorrect 2007 labels). Search "Northern Records" under the record label option on emusic.