Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lezzequins and other signs of dykey fashion

I was walking by a Ralph Lauren store recently and noticed a lesbian mannequin, also known as a lezzequin, in the window. She wore very short cropped hair, a tweed blazer, and an ascot. This is just one of the many signs pointing toward current fashion trends becoming pretty dykey. Others include the Bieber haircut. Oh, by the way, you have to look at this hilarious site: Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber. Some scholars (or, well, bloggers) trace the history of hipster fashion to androgynous young urban lesbians, which led to the current Bieber phenomenon (for better or worse.) Other evidence of lesbian style being incorporated into recent mainstream fashion are the "boyfriend jacket" and "boyfriend jeans." But, as we know, the mannish jacket and the baggy Levis have been worn by dykes without boyfriends way before they were worn by straight girls Stefani, Berry, and Beckham.