A few months ago, in September, it was the start of the fall semester, and I was preoccupied. That is the only explanation for how the Sapphist Gazetteer missed the National Enquirer story about Jodie Foster's breakup with Cynthia Mort. This drama comes more than a year after Foster dumped longtime devoted girlfriend Cydney Bernard to be with the younger, swarthy Mort (see Sapphist Gazetteer post). The Enquirer reports that Jodie is "devastated."
But perhaps Jodie's gaze will fall upon another big handsome girl, Cherry Jones, a high-ranking lesbian with whom she is currently filming a movie titled The Beaver (I kid you not). Foster is directing and acting in this film—described as a dark comedy—playing an unhappy straight lady. For a glimpse of Jodie looking attentively at Cherry on the set in NYC, click here. Conveniently, Cherry Jones split from Sarah Paulson a few months ago and is apparently available for back rubs, snuggling on the couch, spooning, and other rebound activities.
But back to the Jodie/Cynthia breakup. What happened? The Enquirer pins it on Cindy Mort's return to an old flame, Amanda Demme, who bears a resemblance to Rosanne Roseannadanna. Demme is a nightclub promoter in L.A. who's been linked to Lindsay Lohan. You can read an unflattering profile of Demme that appeared in The New York Times a few years ago. Notice the article is accompanied by a photo of Lohan's ex, sapphist deejay Samantha Ronson.