Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Abu Scooter FOR THE WIN.

Several of my nerdy friends sent ideas for how to solve my Mac problems, but the first guy to get it right is Abu Scooter, which means Father of Scooter for those of you with limited Arabic vocabulary. He made some suggestions and damned if they didn't work. This is the first post written on my shiny new Mac Mini.

Yay, nerds! The most helpful people on the planet if you ask nice.

This is a picture of Scooter, not his daddy. Also, though his blog is called The Ghost Grey Cat, these colors are washed out some. The real Scooter is not this pale. Getting pictures pulled off the Internets to work properly is going to be a learning curve.

Still, not to complain. My new computer works in all the important ways and life is good.

To reiterate. Yay, nerds!