It's News 2 Them™ has a lot more natural viewer interest, since it's about all kinds of celebrities all the time. Since the blog began last December, googlebot shows up nearly every day to find linkable stuff and when people Google certain celebrities, my new blog shows up on their searches. This means the viewership has been growing very rapidly, much more quickly than this blog grew at its inception. The new blog also started with about 20 viewers a day, but by week six that had jumped to 80 visits a day, and now in week 10 it's at about 120 visits a day.
This blog has about a 33 month head start on the new blog and I get a lot more readers here every day, between 400 and 500. In the entire history of this blog, over a quarter million people have shown up here, while the new blog hasn't had 5,000 total visitors yet. But the growth rate of the new kid on the block has been remarkable, and if I keep writing both blogs for at least a couple more years, I get the feeling that this will become The Other Blog and It's News 2 Them™ will be considered my main blog.
Stay tuned.