We have the WNBA, and now we have the LNBA. The LNBA is sorta like the LPGA, in that the L word is significant. While the WNBA is all about promoting the few but prominent hetero-married-with-children players, the LNBA will finally admit that the league, and the fan base, is crawling with dykes.
Okay, so there's not really a new league called the LNBA. But there is a new logo that the NBA evidently has introduced for the lesbian fans of professional basketball.
The logo features the unmistakable silhouette of a young lesbian—specifically, a modern day baby dyke . Note the asymmetrical hair, the unfeminine hands, the boyish hips, the square shoulders set askew as if she's about to strike a
buffalo stance a la Neneh Cherry.
The NBA must know it has a gazillion lesbian fans if anyone has taken a look in the stands lately.