But Elly Jackson—whose full name is Eleanor KATE JACKSON (coincidence?)—is a a diva of the millennial generation, which means she is all about being queer in a non-committal manner. Those millennials are all very relaxed about things. But to many of us (especially Gen-Xers, who are always anxiously trying to figure out what the hell is going on), Elly Jackson looks like an adorable little dyke. I mean, do straight women wear their pants like that? No, they don't. And just listen to her talk about her hair. The gaydar gauges are spinning. But she apparently "refuses to clarify her sexual orientation," according to a gossip website. That is my favorite new phrase: "refuses to clarify her sexual orientation."
While perhaps not offering distinct classification, Elly Jackson does seem quite willing to speak about her sexuality in general, and it sounds pretty queer to me: "I don't have a sexuality. I don't feel like I'm female or male," she says. "I don't belong to the gay or straight society, if there is such a thing. I feel like I'm capable of falling in love with other people. I'm not saying I'm bisexual, I'm just sexual!"
Okay, young lady. Whatever you like.
But then she offers this insight, which makes us want to invite her over to dinner and explain a few things: "Of course, I can appreciate other women. Beyonce is beautiful. I find men or women sexy. The Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal is hot and I've always fancied James Dean - but, weirdly, I want to look like the people I fancy."
Which brings me to my other new favorite phrase: "I want to look like the people I fancy."