Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ABC and HBO are best for gay visibility

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) yesterday released its third annual ranking of LGBT visibility on broadcast and cable television, and the winners are: ABC and HBO. Thank you, GLAAD, for doing this work, which seems extensive. The survey "maps the quantity, quality and diversity of images of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people on television," according to the GLAAD press release.
It's really no surprise that HBO would be at the top for cable, because it's edgy and it's cable and queers tend to buy the premium cable package. The news that's most interesting here is the top ranking of ABC. Broadcast network television is what the rest of the country is watching, and, therefore, it's where your grandparents might see Torres kiss girls on Grey's Anatomy. This is progress, America, because it normalizes gay and lesbian relationships in the eyes of folks who might still think homosexuality is deviant behavior.

Unfortunately, Fox has huge viewership and the top two shows (American Idol and House), but only an "Adequate" ranking in the GLAAD report. (But wait, didn't they get any points for Seacrest?) Anyway, Fox at least improved its status over last year's survey.

It's interesting to note that the Sci-Fi network, along with NBC and CBS, received failing grades in the GLAAD report. Apparently the report gives no points for Starbuck, Liz Lemon, or Katie Couric.