Friday, July 10, 2009

You're invited to a lesbian house party!

This summer, the dynamic and adorable Erin McKeown is broadcasting four innovative "live web concerts" from her hideaway homestead in the woods of Western Mass. And we are all invited! We missed the first one, which was performed on July 7. But you can still see it by buying a ticket at McKeown's Cabin Fever Concert website. The remaining concert dates are July 16, July 22, and July 26. Tickets cost $10 per show, which buys you a password to watch an individual concert video on the site. All proceeds go toward funding her next album, "Hundreds of Lions." The concerts will be performed in various settings around her home: living room, back porch, yard, and, curiously, the river that runs behind her house. (She says she will set up chairs in the water. It looks more like a stream, so do not fear that the lesbians will be swept away by the current. They'll only be swept away by the music. Ha!)

And here's a very special treat for you: Erin McKeown performing "Ring of Fire" with Melissa Ferrick. In this magnificent romp, Melissa Ferrick plays the trumpet, which I believe is her original instrument.

UPDATE: The Sapphist Gazetteer has learned that there is only one degree of sapphic separation between Ms. McKeown and me. This information was just relayed to me by a friend during a lesbo luncheon at my home. Small queer world. I also almost neglected to say that I spent a couple evenings circa 1991 hanging out with Ms. Ferrick. I am confident she has no memory of it.