Alanis Morissette is funny. Remember several years ago when she appeared on Curb Your Enthusiasm?
Her latest comedy triumph is a spoof trailer for a nonexistent girlfriends-go-on-a-road-trip film. There is blatant pandering to lesbian fans, which we like to see, including Tegan and Sarah music, a gratuitous butched-up crotch-grab, and musical credits such as: Muscular Lesbians and Jody Foster's Army (sic). Despite some research, I have failed to determine if Muscular Lesbians and Jody Foster's Army are actual bands.
View the clip at funnyordie.
More news re Alanis is that she has lost some post-Ryan Reynolds breakup weight after adopting a vegan diet. Does this mean she is now less aggressive and, therefore, we should no longer expect any angry anthems from her? Disappointed, if so. But supportive of her choice to be healthy.
Alanis apparently is appearing in seven episodes of Weeds this season, playing an ob-gyn doctor who treats Nancy Botwin, played by beloved Mary Louise Parker.