We're gonna party like it's your birthday!
There's no need for "like it's your birthday", when in fact my blog is now three years old today.
And I thought it might be nice if I spent the day pandering.
Sometimes I need to admit that the stuff I write day in and day out really isn't as interesting as Julie Newmar in a towel.
Have you ever seen a picture of Melissa Theuriau with her hair up? Little wisps framing her fantastic French face? A lovely smile on her lips and those remarkable golden eyes.
Oh la la.
And no post of pandering here at Lotsa 'Splainin' can ever be complete without the true queen of my heart, Indira Varma. This is a still of her playing Niobe on the TV show Rome. You can't see her perfect collarbone, but you can still imagine it, can't you?
Three presents for a third birthday. A nice symmetry, don't you think?
Thanks to my readers for hanging around as I write about whatever flits through my scattered consciousness. It's still fun, so I'm going to hang around a while longer.