Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Diane Keaton and the lesbian mafia

The lesbian mafia? Indeed, it looks like the five families called a meeting and came up with this one: Diane Keaton is in "late-stage talks" with HBO to do a show created by Cynthia Mort, the woman for whom Jodie Foster dumped her longtime companion Cydney Bernard.

(But then Mort, in typical dyke drama, turned around and dumped poor Jodes.)

In this HBO comedy called Tilda, Diane Keaton, who is fond of menswear, will apparently play a feared Hollywood blogger similar to the real-life Nikki Finke, who is a Wellesley grad. (I hope I do not need to explain the lesbian references flying all over the place here.)

LA Weekly described the casting choice thusly: "Diane Keaton, even at her most painfully neurotic, has never *not* been adorably ingratiating--the opposite of the kinds of adjectives often used to describe Finke..." By all accounts, Finke is not beloved in Hollywood because she is intelligent, not obsessed with how she looks, and does actual journalistic reporting on an industry which, for all its profiting from the First Amendment, does not generally celebrate the free press investigating the entertainment industry.

Mort's partner in the project is the talented and gay Bill Condon, director of queer-themed films Kinsey and Gods and Monsters. It's also important to note that Cynthia Mort is not afraid to write sex scenes for older women. Did you see Jane Alexander in Mort's bedroom drama Tell Me You Love Me? I think we can look forward to seeing Diane's trim little 64-year-old figure prancing about in Tilda.

In summary, we've got the adorable Diane Keaton, neckties, bow ties, Jodie's ex, Wellesley women, and a queer director. It's an offer we can't refuse.