Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Elena Kagan? Well, she does have a thick neck.

We're keeping our queer little fingers crossed for the nomination of Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. I know, I know. My left wing friends are all worked up over her support of executive power. But the Sapphist Gazetteer, at least in my capacity as the Sapphist Gazetteer, is blissfully a one-issue voter. And while we do not know for sure if Kagan is in the sisterhood, the whisper campaign has begun. Right wing conservatives have issued "action alerts." The White House is denying she's gay. The Huffington Post is all over it. Gawker has a very funny column offering evidence, including: the haircut, softball, etc. (Pretty solid evidence, actually.) And the Sapphist Gazetteer calls your attention to the neck. Need we say more?