Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tilda Swinton is swayed by gay girl

Ladies, here is something to look forward to: Tilda Swinton in the Italian film I Am Love. I have full confidence that this film, which is due to open soon at my neighborhood independent theater, will be perfect for one of my favorite pastimes—watching Tilda Swinton. On screen everyone will be wearing gorgeous Italian clothes, walking pensively down long hallways in magnificent Italian mansions, and bursting at their couture seams with unspoken desire. And, best yet, a darling little cropped-haired lesbian plays the wise one. From what I gather, Tilda's daughter in the film comes out as a lesbian thereby sparking in her previously reserved mother a new passionate fire. In short, Tilda has a hot affair with a hot young uomo. During an interview at the Toronto International Film Festival you can see Tilda explaining things, such as "the concept of limitlessness" in choosing one's identity. Ah, I feel less inhibited already.

We love Tilda Swinton for so many reasons. Among them, of course, is her gender-bending film portrayal of Woolf's Orlando. We also love how she clearly does not abide by the standard rules of domesticity, as she evidently has a young lover in addition to her decades-long partner, the Scottish painter John Byrne, with whom she shares children and a manse on the shores of the North Sea in the rugged Scottish highlands. The UK's Daily Mail calls the place "a spectacular pile" at which Tilda can be seen "running around in an old green cardigan" and a "scruffy Land Rover." Although here she's seen in some expensive Pringle sweaters. For which, by the way, she is the new model for both the women and menswear collections. Appropriate, as the Daily Mail article also pointed out: "She has no vanity and has been mistaken—because of her height and androgynous features—for a man."