Monday, February 22, 2010

The health of the nation.

Bob Dole, 86, is at a veteran's hospital. He had a bout of pneumonia and there were complications. He's getting the best care and he deserves it, but so do a lot of Americans who aren't getting the best care.

I wish Sen. Dole all the best.

Dick Cheney is in the hospital complaining of chest pains. He is not at a veteran's hospital because he is famously not a veteran. He had five deferments from military service and he's had just as many heart attacks, the first one at the age of 37. Still, he's getting good care on the public dime.

Mr. Cheney doesn't have a pacemaker, he has a portable defibrillator. From what I've heard, this machine will keep his heart beating after brain death.

I wish Mr. Cheney would get a fucking clue, but being evil is not counted as a pre-existing condition.