today would be as good a day as any and better than most.
Friday afternoon, my computer crashed. I usually don't turn the machine off, just put it in sleep mode, but Friday morning I shut it down and when I came home from class, it wouldn't turn back on. I took it to the shop and they said they'd have a look at it, but some of their equipment was on the fritz, so there won't be any word until today.
The good news is that the data appears to be retrievable, and if the problem is just the power supply the fix will be fairly easy.
If not, I may be in the market for a new computer. I haven't bought a computer in probably 20 years, maybe more. The one I used back in the 1990's was a gift from my friend Kevin; it still works for writing homework and quizzes, but is way too slow to hook up to the Internet today. My upgrade was a laptop I got as part of my payment for writing the Pascal's Triangle website, and that's what I'm using to write this post. It's slow and there are keys that don't work, like the Ctrl key, which slows work down considerably. The computer in the shop was a second hand computer from my friend Alan, a major upgrade over the seven year old laptop. I'm thinking about what I will buy if the news is bad today, but I'll wait for the verdict before deciding my next step.
As you can see, the illustration is from a O-L-D science fiction story about a computer-reliant alien race. Those wacky SF writers! Where did they get their crazy ideas? A race reliant on computers indeed! It sure would suck to be them.