Friday, July 2, 2010

Random 10, 7/2/10, Padre Mickey rule almost invoked

Indian Giver LOS RAMONES!!!!!!!!

Matty Boy? Are you gonna stop? It's not gonna get better, right?
Keep listening, Hypothetical.

Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadows? The Rolling Stones
Red Rain Peter Gabriel
Hateful The Clash
O-O-H Child The Five Stairsteps
The Weight The Band
Church Bells May Ring The Willows
Broken Hearted Hoover Fixer Sucker Guy Glen Hansard
Stardust Hoagy Carmichael
Get Behind The Mule Tom Waits

And now we stop, because it's song #10 and because it won't get any better.

Big Jack Earle was eight foot one
And he stood in the road and he cried.
He couldn't make her love him, he couldn't make her stay,
But tell The Good Lord that he tried,
Tell The Good Lord that he tried.