Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Diane Keaton will have 'keen interest' in Ellen Page

Is that what we're calling it these days? "Keen interest"? Okay, that's fine. Better than "particular friendship."
But are we sure it's not Cynthia Mort developing a keen interest in Ellen Page?

As was reported earlier on the Sapphist Gazetteer, huge LA lesbian Cynthia Mort is creating an HBO series with Diane Keaton in which Keaton will play a much-feared entertainment industry blogger. The show is called Tilda. The latest news is that our girl Ellen Page has signed onto the series, playing a creative assistant at a movie studio. Entertainment Weekly reports that Keaton's character develops a "keen interest" in Page's character, who is conflicted about the film industry. (And perhaps her sexuality? Just a guess.)

It wouldn't be a first for a producer/director type to develop a keen interest in Ellen Page. After all, the 23-year-old Canadian actress is undeniably adorable. Drew Barrymore evidently found her hard to resist, as well.