Tuesday, May 31, 2011

SkeptiCal 2011

My sister Karlacita! used to be an author of New Age books. In the past few years, she has come to question the things she used to believe and in some ways has become a pariah in her old field. She found some like minds in the skeptical community, so she decided to attend SkepiCal 11 this past weekend in Berkeley. She asked me to come along as moral support, to be that person she could turn to and ask the all important question, "Is it me or is it them? It's them, isn't it?"

I won't say I felt "right at home" in a conference of skeptics, but I certainly had been in similar situations before. It was a nerd herd. It was somewhere between a professional nerd herd and a amateur nerd herd. For me, an amateur nerd herd is a board game convention or about back in the 1990s, a sealed deck Magic The Gathering tournament. Professional nerd herds have been things like the Computer Game Development Conference back when I did that for a living or math symposiums now.

Since the idea of SkeptiCal was plunking down money to hear people talk, it's more like the professional. By that standard, this was pretty weak. I will be kind and name the only speaker worth his salt, while others will be described but not named.

The first fellow was a member in good standing in the skeptical community who had appeared on Survivor a few times. We spent an hour learning about the ins and outs of a show I have never watched all the way through. (Personal note: The last drummer for my old band The Wonders of Science has been on more than one season, and I still haven't watched one full hour of the show in my entire life.)

Here's the inside dope. What you see is real, but it's all about the editing.

Thanks. I already figured that out without watching. I didn't need an hour's explanation of it. (Karlacita! tells me that in the line to the ladies' room after, my feeling about that hour was echoed several times.)

The next speaker was Peter Gleick from the Pacific Institute, a climate scientist who is also a blogger on the Huffington Post, giving a talk entitled Climate Change Misperception. His inclusion on the speakers' list was a source of controversy for reasons I will discuss later.

Gleick's talk was the only one where I actually learned something from the speaker. (I learned plenty from Karlacita!, but that can happen when we're just hangin' out and I don't have to plunk down forty five simoleans to do that.) He discussed several of the critical thinking fallacies - ad hominem attacks, appeal to authority, appeal to consensus, cherry picking data, etc. - and showed concretely how climate change deniers use these tools. He also stated that climate science consensus might look like an argument by consensus, but that it is more that the scientists are convinced by the data and that data forms a valid scientific consensus.

The skeptical community, if one can call it that, is a very contentious bunch and internecine squabbles are common. Gleick showed an e-mail from a skeptic who would not attend because Gleick's inclusion showed the group had obviously caved to the Warmists, as deniers sometimes call the vast majority of climate scientists. This was the last mention of any alleged grudge or slight in Gleick's talk.

There are dozens of tacks the deniers take to poke holes in the climate data. Having only an hour to talk, he only brought up a few examples directly and showed Power Point slides that proved the statements, some of which I had heard before, were egregious examples of cherry picking.

1) Polar ice coverage is not shrinking because April 1989 coverage was less that April 2009 coverage.

Refutation: Yes, April 1989 was less than April 2009, but every other month in 2009 had less ice coverage than 1989, often quite a bit less. Classic cherry picking, especially since there was exactly one cherry in twelve matched pairs of data.

2) Global warming stopped in 1998, even though CO2 levels continue to rise. (I hadn't heard the first argument before, but I had heard this one, notably from George F. Will, who couldn't prove the Pythagorean Theorem with an hour's head start and the address to mathworld.wolfram.com.)

Refutation: Average yearly temperatures go up and down. 1998 was warmer than 2008, but 2005 was warmer than either, and now that 2009 and 2010 data have been added, both far warmer than 1998, this argument is complete bunk, though deniers still quote it.

Again, Gleick's talk was the closest to the quality I would see at a math symposium, most of which are free of charge. (Quibble: everyone who used technology had trouble with it, including Gleick. For most of his talk, the computer resolution was wrong and his slides were cut off at left and right. To his credit, when the problem was pointed out, Gleick is the only one who fixed his technical difficulties.)

You may not have heard of the skeptical community. For example, when Karlacita! told the Gosh Darned Pater Familias about where she was going, neither he or any of his friends had ever heard of people describing themselves as skeptics.

In this small community, the great celebrity is The Amazing Randi, a magician and debunker of paranormal claims. His greatest moment of glory is going on Johnny Carson's show and showing the famed spoon bender Uri Geller was a fake. He is the founder of the modestly titled James Randi Educational Foundation, or JREF.

In December 2009, The Amazing Randi wrote a piece doubtful of climate change, which he has since recanted with a standard non-apology apology. For me the money quotes are using the wry quotations marks around "politically correct" label he gave to the academics who do the hard work he is not willing or able to do and most damningly, the first sentence in paragraph six:

I strongly suspect that The Petition Project may be valid.

For those of you unaware of The Petition Project, climate change deniers got it into their heads to put together a petition of scientists NOT in the field, as though ten sociologists counterbalance one climate scientist. This is obviously both an appeal to completely unearned authority and an appeal to consensus.

Many skeptics fell in line behind Randi and have not changed their position even though he has weakly recanted.

I've seen this before in nerd herds. Way back in the day, a guy named Chris Crawford, a writer of video games that didn't sell well but that he thought were "important", started the Computer Game Developer's Conference (CGDC) to get his ideas out. I had more than a few run-ins with him and his tiny cult, but eventually the business was making too much money to have such a meeting be a yearly pilgrimage to his shrine and he left, though the level of volunteerism in departure is disputed. Once The Great Man was dislodged, the CGDG actually became a Big Damn Deal.

Here's the thing. We can all of us fall prey to these problems with critical thinking. When it comes to hero worship in math, I am honest to Lenny* proud of the fact that I shook the hand of Donald Knuth, the author of The Art Of Computer Programming, and can remember chapter and verse the conversation I had with Frank Harary, the father of graph theory.

Here's my defense. Knuth and Harary actually moved human endeavor forward. As someone who teaches math, it is my job and my glad duty to make sure their names, and more importantly their ideas, are never forgotten.

I cannot say the same for the Amazing Randi.

* For those new to the blog, "honest to Lenny" is my oath to my favorite mathematician in history, Leonhard Euler. Yet another example of hero worship and one I will defend to my last breath.

Here endeth the lesson.

George Orwell Was Right

Blogger and Firefox for Mac are friends again.

For about a week, Blogger wasn't working on my Mac using my browser of choice Firefox. I found a workaround of using Safari instead, but many are the ways that Safari sucks.

I thought it might have been a problem on my end, possibly downloading some virus that screwed something up, but no diagnostic I could do solved the problem. Yesterday, everything was back to the way it was and I have no need (or desire) to use Safari again.

Blogger as a package has been ultra reliable for over four years for me, whether I was using Mac or PC, but over the past few months it has had some serious glitches lasting days on end, which I can only hope are finally solved.

I chatted with fellow blogger sfmike, who also has some experience with software development, about what the problem could be. He conjectured that it might be the quality of programming at Google is deteriorating, a loss of institutional memory involved. My guess is that some of the Internet big boys are screwing with each other, possibly intentionally and possibly not.

No one has come forward to give the exact reason for the screw ups yet, but having a huge piece of software being used by thousands of users (and millions of visitors) that is being updated regularly and has to interact with an uncounted number of interfacing browsers on various computer platforms is not possibly unstable. It is very nearly a mathematical certainty that it's unstable. It's a miracle that it has worked this well for this long.

A metaphor for the modern world, Matty Boy?

Yes, Hypothetical Question Asker, something like that.

Wonder Twins Powers Activate!

US Team: Feilhaber a rischio, richiamato Bedoya

Piccola grana per gli USA alla vigilia della partecipazione all'edizione 2011 della Gold Cup. Il c.t. Bob Bradley rischia di dover depennare dall'elenco dei 23 il nome del centrocampista Benny Feilhaber, da poche settimane in forza ai New England Revolution, in seguito all'infortunio partito nell'ultimo turno MLS contro i Los Angeles Galaxy.

Per questa ragione è stato richiamato l'ala Alejandro Bedoya, in forza agli svedesi dell'Orebro e stando a diveri rumors in procinto di trasferimento durante l'estate verso Inghilterra, Olanda e Germania. Il ragazzo 24enne di Miami ha già raggiunto il ritiro di Cary in Nord Carolina, approfittando dello stop dell'AllSvenskan league sino al 13 giugno, dove in questa stagione ha già messo a segno 4 gol in 9 match disputati. L'ultima apparizione di Bedoya in nazionale risale al match dello scorso gennaio a Los Angeles contro il Cile.

Il c.t. Bradley avrà tempo sino all'immediata vigilia della sfida con il Canada a Detroit (7 giugno) che segnerà il debutto nella kermesse Concacaf, mentre Feilhaber è ancora a Boston con i sanitari dei Revs impegnati nella valutazione dell'infortunio.

Fire: addio DeLosCobos, redini squadra a Klopas

Tempo di avvicendamenti sulla panchina dei Chicago Fire che scontenti del rendimento della squadra in questa prima fase della stagione e sulla scorta anche di quanto successo nel 2010 hanno risolto il rapporto con il tecnico messicano Carlos De Los Cobos.

A prendere la guida della squadra, almeno inizialmente, sarà ad interim il direttore tecnico Frank Klopas, in carica dal 2008, già nazionale Usa e colonna della squadra dalla sua fondazione nel 1998 quando venne centrata l'abbinata MLS Cup ed US Open Cup sotto la guida dell'attuale c.t. della nazionale a stelle e strisce Bob Bradley.

I Fire rappresentano finora l'unico caso di "expansion team" vincente al debutto in MLS, mentre i Seattle Sounders hanno parzialmente eguagliato questo record con il successo nell'US Open Cup.

La scelta di chiamare in panchina De Los Cobos era arrivata nel gennaio 2010 dopo la volontà del team di non prolungare la gestione di Denis Hamlett, puntando sul messicano che tanto bene aveva fatto alla guida della nazionale del "piccolo" El Salvador nelle qualificazioni ai mondiali 2010.

Tuttavia le prime scelte di mercato del passato torneo si rivelarono presto infelici con i deludenti salvadoregni Umanzor e Martinez, ed il vuoto lasciato da Blanco e parzialmente coperto dalla crescita dei giovani Pappa e Husidic si rivelò deficitario anche sotto il punto di vista economico quando il team investì in estate su due onerosi D.P. come Ljungberg e Nery Castillo, senza dimenticare la nociva gestione del delicato ruolo del portiere con il taglio di Busch e la fiducia cieca nel baby Dykstra che solo nel finale del torneo lascerà i guanti al promettente Sean Johnson.

Il rinnovamento intrapreso in questa stagione appare ancora lontano dal raggiungimento di risultati concreti, e tutto ciò palesato con risultati spesso alterni e prestazioni non confortanti come testimonia l'attuale classifica che ha imposto al team la scelta di un'immediata sterzata.

La gestione di De Los Cobos si conclude con un bilancio di 10 successi, 15 pareggi, e 16 sconfitte. Klopas debutterà contro i Seattle Sounders nel prossimo turno di campionato.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Protection from force and fraud.

I have said this before, but I realize I have skipped some details. When I actually was a fresh faced lad, I was registered as Libertarian. This means that in 1976 when I voted for the first time, I cast my vote for Roger McBride, the Libertarian candidate, instead of for the eventual winner Jimmy Carter.

I thought the Democratic Party was too soft on Nixon's worst offenses. If we had any Democratic senators today with the cojones of Frank Church, it would be a dream come true.

I went to a Libertarian meeting, and that one exposure soured me on the party. I had read some of the literature and I understood the first principle of libertarianism at the time, which was that government should protect the people from force and fraud. Hard core libertarians believe in police, prison guards and soldiers as valuable government employees and everyone else is just taking up space. I was upset about illegal wiretaps and the war on drugs. There were some people in the room who could get just as worked up by the idea of the government running the post office. I asked about environmental protections. I was nearly alone in the room in considering the loss or degradation of our common needs, like clean water and air, as force. I didn't go back.

Roger MacBride wasn't an idiot. Seeing that the Libertarian Party was going nowhere, he rejoined the Republican Party in 1983 to form the Republican Liberty Caucus, a group devoted to promoting libertarian ideas inside the Republican party.

Unfortunately, MacBride the non-idiot would never have a significant fraction of the influence of the idiot Ronald Reagan, lionized beyond all recognition. I will grant you that George W. Bush may be duller than Reagan and Reagan did not get us into two wars he did not know how to end, but because Bush's legacy is under such a cloud, I still rank Reagan as the worst president of my lifetime.

George W. Bush is the turd the Republicans flushed. Ronald Reagan is the turd they worship.

Avuncular, well practiced in front of the cameras, Reagan could deliver a line, I will give him that. One of his most revered witticisms is "These are the the nine scariest words in the English language: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

He repeated this many times at many campaign stops.

As a former Libertarian and past, present and future logician, I could figure out what this really meant.

Government is force and fraud.

Cops, firefighters, teachers, janitors, nurses, construction workers... all just a bunch of parasites that need to be eradicated.

This is the logical conclusion of what Saint Ronnie said, and the Republican Party at the local, state and federal level are following that statement without question today, in the executive, legislative and - possibly most frighteningly - judicial branches around the country.

The worst ideas of the ugly, cancer-ridden cult leader Ayn Rand have become the unquestioned marching orders of one of the two parties in the alleged greatest experiment in democracy.

Some people might view this as class warfare.

To them I say, "Fucking A."

Better class warfare than class genocide. We can't match their money, but as it stands right now, we have a hell of a lot more ballots than they do. We have to use them every chance we get. Until the conservative movement has a better idea than "Fuck you, I've got mine", they deserve the undying enmity of everyone who works for a living.

Here endeth the lesson.

Whitecaps: esonerato Thordarson, in panchina Soehn

I Vancouver Whitecaps rompono gli indugi e dopo qualche rumor già circolato nelle ultime settimane decidono di esonerare dalla guida tecnica l'head coach islandese Teitur Thordarson, ed affidare la guida tecnica del team a Tom Soehn.

Un addio non certo indolore quello dall'ex c.t. dell'Islanda, alla guida dei 'Caps dal 2008 ed artefice del successo in quell'annata nel torneo USL-1 e di aver condotto il team alla finale, poi persa coi Montreal Impact, anche l'anno successivo.

Pur tra mille dubbi alla fine i 'Caps avevano confermato il 59enne Thordarson al comando del timone della squadra che in questa stagione è transitata nella MLS, puntando sulla sua esperienza internazionale.

A testimoniare gli scricchiolii della sua posizione, però, la scelta di affidare già dal 2009 la direzione tecnica a Tom Soehn, già tecnico dei DC United ed allungo assistente sia ai Fire che agli stessi United, e di affiancargli nel ruolo di assistente Denis Hamlett già head coach dei Chicago Fire.

A fare il resto ovviamente i risultati con i 'Caps che dopo promettenti premesse, ed investimenti corposi, stentano in campionato e si ritrovano sul fondo della Western Conference. Nulla di sorprendente in vero poichè avviene sovente per gli expansion team, ma ben lontano dalle ambizioni di una società che chiaramente puntava ad essere sin da subito competitiva.

Con Thordarson, è stato allontanato anche l'allenatore dei portieri l'inglese Mike Salmon, con la squadra che ripartirà sotto la guida di Soehn dalla prossima sfida con i Chivas Usa.

Dynamo: c'è la "grana" Koke che chiede di andar via

Houston abbiamo un problema... Il team texano dei Houston Dynamo si trova inaspettatamente con un problema da risolvere nelle prossime ore, legato alla permanenza in seno alla squadra guidata da Dominic Kinnear dell'ultimo acquisto l'attaccante spagnolo Koke.

Il giocatore ex Marsiglia ed Aris Salonicco, come ha ammeso il presidente Canetti, avrebbe espresso la volontà di andar via da Houston sia al tecnico che ai dirigenti nel dopo gara di sabato contro il Dallas, definendo infelice la sua situazione con il team "orange" per ragioni personali.

Una presa di posizione che non è piaciuta al team che pur comprendendo lo stato d'animo di frustrazione del giocatore, ancora non entrato stabilmente nell'undici titolare ed all'attivo sette presenze ed un gol ai Red Bulls, teme di ritrovarsi in modo improvviso senza alternative al trio d'attacco Bruin, Garey e Weaver, stante anche l'indisponibilità dell'infortunato Brian Ching.

L'arrivo di Sergio Contreras Pardo "Koke" (1983), un designated player è bene sottolinearlo, era stata una mossa a sorpresa di Kinnear che aveva provato ad ingaggiare precedentemente l'ala messicana dell'Atlas Pacheco, e tardivamente aveva provato ad intavolare una trattativa per il ritorno di De Rosario. Una trattativa sarebbe stata aperta da tempo con il centravanti degli scozzesi dell'Hibernian Derek Riordan (1983, foto dx).

DC United corsari a Portland nel posticipo della Week #11

Exploit dei DC United nel posticipo domenicale della Week #11, con il team di Ben Olsen che ritrova il successo espugnando il Jeld Wen Field fin qui fortino dell'expansion Portland Timbers.

Sfida avvincente con tante emozioni, tra gol segnati e sbagliati, rigori concessi, parati e ripetuti. Un mix che ha elettrizzato sino allo scadere della partita il gremito pubblico presente sugli spalti dell'impianto dell'Oregon.

Vantaggio ospite al 13', quando sugli sviluppi di un corner è sottomisura il difensore rookie Perry Kitchen, nazionale under 20 americano, ad esibirsi nella correzione vincente che non concede scampo a Perkins. Dall'altro lato i Timbers creano ma peccano in mira, e quando centrano lo specchio della porta trovano un Bill Hamid insuperabile.

La giornata di grazie del baby portiere di colore prodotto dell'Academy dei DC si conferma nel secondo tempo quando Jakovic atterra Cooper in un rigore che lascia qualche dubbio. Sul dischetto lo stesso Kenny Cooper tiro alla destra di Hamid che intercetta, sulla respinta in un capannello di maglie nere vi è ancora Cooper che finisce per le terre a causa di un contatto con Simms e nuovo rigore decretato.

Ancora il numero 33 dei Timbers sul dischetto, Cooper cambia lato e calcia ora a sinistra di Hamid che si protrae in tuffo e devia. L'urlo di gioia del portiere si trasforma in rabbia poichè il guardalinee appostato sul fondo sbandiera un irregolarità del portiere che apparentemente si è mosso fuori della linea di porta in anticipo. Ora sul dischetto si ripresenta il capitano dei Timbers Jack Jewsbury che non sbaglia, parità, 1-1 quando siamo al 67'.

Il match s'infiamma, ed un rigore arriva anche dall'altro lato per i DC quando il centrocampista colombiano Chara in tackle a terra finisce per trascinare la palla con il braccio, perfetta l'esecuzione di Pontius (75') per l'1-2.

Negli spazi concessi nel tentativo di ristabilire la parità dai Timbers, i DC vanno a nozze e Josh Wolff può siglare il tris all'85'. Finita ? Per nulla, altri tre minuti e Jorge Perlaza sigla il 2-3, e nel primo minuto di recupero con un violento tiro dal limite sfiora il palo di quello che sarebbe potuto essere un clamoroso 3-3.

Portland Timbers-DC United 2-3

Marcatori: Perry Kitchen (Chris Pontius, Blake Brettschneider) 13, Jack Jewsbury (penalty kick) 67, Chris Pontius (penalty kick) 75, Josh Wolff (Blake Brettschneider) 85, Jorge Perlaza (Jeremy Hall) 88;

Portland Timbers -- Troy Perkins, Jeremy Hall, Eric Brunner, Mamadou Danso, Rodney Wallace, Sal Zizzo, Jack Jewsbury, Diego Chara (Adam Moffat 84), Kalif Alhassan, Kenny Cooper (Ryan Pore 69), Jorge Perlaza. Substitutes Not Used: David Horst, Eddie Johnson, James Marcelin, Darlington Nagbe, Adin Brown.

D.C. United -- Bill Hamid, Perry Kitchen, Ethan White, Dejan Jakovic, Daniel Woolard, Andy Najar (Fred 87), Stephen King, Clyde Simms, Chris Pontius, Blake Brettschneider, Joseph Ngwenya (Josh Wolff 51) (Brandon Barklage 91+). Substitutes Not Used: Rodrigo Brasesco, Chris Korb, Conor Shanosky, Joe Willis.

Referee: Geoff Gamble; Referee's Assistants: Eric Proctor-Craig Lowry; 4th Official: Silviu Petrescu; Time of Game: 1:50; Weather: Cloudy-and-55-degrees; Misconduct Summary: Dejan Jakovic (caution; Reckless Tackle) 57, Bill Hamid (caution; Dissent) 66; Attendance: 18,627;

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Messico solo un pari con l'Ecuador

Solo un pari per 1-1 per il Messico nel primo dei due ravvicinati test in vista del debutto nella prossima Concacaf Gold Cup.

Il"QWest Stadium" di Seattle ha ospitato la nazionale "el Tri" del c.t. Josè Manuel De La Torre nella sfida contro l'Ecuador davanti ad un gremito pubblico sugli spalti (50.305 stando ai dati ufficiali).

I centro-americani si erano portati in vantaggio al 7' con Jorge Torres Nilo sugli sviluppi di un corner quando è stato pescato in area da un traversone da sinistra di Hector Moreno: cogliendo impreperata in modo sorprendente l'arcigna difesa ecuadoregna con il portiere Maximo Banguera a farfalle nell'occasione tra i più responsabili.

La replica dei sudamericani arriva al 37' con un assolo di Michael Arroyo che dal limite dell'area lascia partire una potente conclusione che s'insacca all'angolino alto alla sinistra del portiere messicano Guillermo Ochoa in una delle rare occasioni concesse alla nazionale di Reinaldo Rueda.

Gli highlights al seguente link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHKixiQOLt0&feature=player_embedded;

Al termine della gara il c.t. messicano De La Torre ha rimproverato ai suoi la poca concretezza, perchè se tieni il pallino del gioco e crei occasioni da reti, devi convertirle in gol. Tra i migliori in campo il brasiliano, da tempo naturalizzato, Naelson Sinha del Toluca che a giugno potrebbe approdare in MLS a Chicago o Houston stando a diversi rumors di mercato.

Per il Messico, nuova amichevole mercoledì a Denver contro la Nuova Zelanda, e poi debutto in Gold Cup il 5 giugno con El Salvador. Per l'Ecuador mercoledì seconda gara sul suolo nord-americano a Toronto contro il Canada, e terza l'8 contro la Grecia a New York.

MLS #11: Tabellini, classifiche e marcatori

I tabellini, le classifiche per squadra ed i marcatori dopo le gare del sabato della Week 11:

Toronto FC-Philadelphia Union 2-6

Marcatori: Gabriel Farfan (Jordan Harvey) 2, Justin Mapp (Kyle Nakazawa) 11, Kyle Nakazawa (Danny Mwanga, Sebastien LeToux) 44, Maicon Santos (Danleigh Borman) 50, Maicon Santos (Danleigh Borman) 59, Justin Mapp (unassisted) 62, Danny Mwanga (Sebastien LeToux) 72, Danny Mwanga (unassisted) 89;

Toronto FC -- Stefan Frei, Richard Eckersley, Dicoy Williams, Ty Harden (Alen Stevanovic 74), Dan Gargan (Danleigh Borman 46), Tony Tchani, Julian de Guzman (Javier Martina 46), Mikael Yourassowsky, Nick Soolsma, Maicon Santos, Joao Plata. Substitutes Not Used: Nana Attakora, Adrian Cann, Nathan Sturgis, Milos Kocic.

Philadelphia Union -- Faryd Mondragon, Sheanon Williams, Danny Califf, Carlos Valdes, Jordan Harvey, Gabriel Farfan, Kyle Nakazawa (Keon Daniel 63), Brian Carroll, Justin Mapp, Sebastien Le Toux, Danny Mwanga. Substitutes Not Used: Chris Agorsor, Juan Diego Gonzalez, Jack McInerney, Carlos Ruiz, Roger Torres, Zac MacMath.

Referee: Niko Bratsis; Referee's Assistants: Jason Cullum-Claudio Badea; 4th Official: Ricardo Salazar; Time of Game: 1:48; Weather: Flurries-and-54-degrees; Attendance: 20,122; Misconduct Summary: Jordan Harvey (caution; Reckless Tackle) 39;

Vancouver Whitecaps-New York Red Bulls 1-1

Marcatori: Eric Hassli (penalty kick) 24, Luke Rodgers (Jan Gunnar Solli, Roy Miller) 34;

Vancouver Whitecaps -- Jay Nolly, Wes Knight, Jay DeMerit, Greg Janicki, Alain Rochat, Shea Salinas (Russell Teibert 67), Terry Dunfield, Gershon Koffie, Davide Chiumiento (Nizar Khalfan 77), Camilo (Omar Salgado 83), Eric Hassli. Substitutes Not Used: Mouloud Akloul, Jeb Brovsky, Blake Wagner, Joe Cannon.

New York Red Bulls -- Greg Sutton, Jan Gunnar Solli, Tim Ream, Carlos Mendes (Matt Kassel 70), Roy Miller, Stephen Keel, Teemu Tainio, Dwayne De Rosario (Corey Hertzog 89), Juan Agudelo, Joel Lindpere, Luke Rodgers (Austin Da Luz 70). Substitutes Not Used: Tyler Lassiter, John Rooney, Teddy Schneider, Bouna Coundoul.

Referee: Mark Geiger; Referee's Assistants: Steven Taylor-Hector Vergara; 4th Official: Landis Wiley; Time of Game: 1:52; Weather: Partly Cloudy-and-55-degrees; Attendance: 21,000; Misconduct Summary: Tim Ream (caution; Reckless Foul) 75

Colorado Rapids-Sporting Kansas City 1-1

Marcatori: Conor Casey (unassisted) 13, Ryan Smith (Teal Bunbury) 75;

Colorado Rapids -- Matt Pickens, Kosuke Kimura, Marvell Wynne, Tyrone Marshall, Drew Moor, Ross LaBauex (Caleb Folan 73), Jeff Larentowicz, Pablo Mastroeni, Sanna Nyassi (Joseph Nane 46) (Andre Akpan 57), Wells Thompson, Conor Casey. Substitutes Not Used: Quincy Amarikwa, Scott Palguta, Anthony Wallace, Steward Ceus.

Sporting KC -- Jimmy Nielsen, Michael Harrington, Matt Besler, Aurelien Collin, Seth Sinovic (Ryan Smith 46), Chance Myers, Omar Bravo (Birahim Diop 85), Davy Arnaud, Craig Rocastle, Graham Zusi, C.J. Sapong (Teal Bunbury 54). Substitutes Not Used: Julio Cesar, Luke Sassano, Milos Stojcev, Eric Kronberg.

Referee: Hilario Grajeda; Referee's Assistants: Ian Anderson-Kermit Quisenberry; 4th Official: Mark Declouet; Time of Game: 1:53; Weather: Cloudy-and-61-degrees; Attendance: 16,439; Misconduct Summary: Michael Harrington (caution; Tactical Foul) 41, Ross LaBauex (caution; Tactical Foul) 45, Pablo Mastroeni (caution; Reckless Foul) 82, Omar Bravo (caution; Unsporting Behavior) 84;

Real Salt Lake-Seattle Sounders 1-2

Marcatori: Patrick Ianni (Fredy Montero, Nate Jaqua) 71, Lamar Neagle (Tyson Wahl) 84, Nelson Gonzalez (Luis Gil) 88;

Real Salt Lake -- Nick Rimando, Robbie Russell (Nelson Gonzalez 76), Jamison Olave, Nat Borchers, Tony Beltran, Ned Grabavoy, Kyle Beckerman, Andy Williams (Luis Gil 86), Will Johnson, Jean Alexandre (Chris Wingert 62), Fabian Espindola. Substitutes Not Used: Chris Schuler, Collen Warner, Kyle Reynish, Artur Aghasyan.

Seattle Sounders -- Kasey Keller, James Riley, Jeff Parke, Patrick Ianni, Tyson Wahl, Erik Friberg (Roger Levesque 80), Osvaldo Alonso, Brad Evans, Alvaro Fernandez (Lamar Neagle 18), Nate Jaqua, Mike Fucito (Fredy Montero 69). Substitutes Not Used: Jhon Kennedy Hurtado, Mauro Rosales, Zach Scott, Terry Boss.

Referee: Mark Kadlecik; Referee's Assistants: Colin Arblaster-Rob Fereday; 4th Official: Yader Reyes; Weather: Cloudy and 57 degrees; Attendance: 14,674; Misconduct Summary: Will Johnson (caution; Reckless Foul) 27, Jamison Olave (ejection; Denied Goal Scoring Opportunity (Foul)) 58, Chris Wingert (caution; Reckless Foul) 65, James Riley (caution; Dissent) 81, Tyson Wahl (caution; Reckless Foul) 90;

Houston Dynamo-FC Dallas 2-2

Marcatori: Andrew Jacobson (unassisted) 27, Cam Weaver (Brad Davis) 42, Ugo Ihemelu (Marvin Chavez) 70, Colin Clark (Brad Davis, Cam Weaver) 87;

Houston Dynamo -- Tally Hall, Kofi Sarkodie, Andre Hainault, Jermaine Taylor (Alex Dixon 84), Mike Chabala, Je-Vaughn Watson (Colin Clark 66), Geoff Cameron, Lovel Palmer, Brad Davis, Cam Weaver, Will Bruin (Koke 75). Substitutes Not Used: Bobby Boswell, Hunter Freeman, Jason Garey, Tyler Deric.

FC Dallas -- Kevin Hartman, Jackson Goncalves (Jair Benitez 46), Ugo Ihemelu, Bobby Warshaw, Zach Loyd, Eric Alexander (Milton Rodriguez 64), Daniel Hernandez, Andrew Jacobson, Brek Shea, Marvin Chavez, Fabian Castillo (Ricardo Villar 84). Substitutes Not Used: Eric Avila, Bruno Guarda, Ruben Luna, Chris Seitz.

Referee: Terry Vaughn; Referee's Assistants: Eric Boria-George Gansner; 4th Official: Armando Villarreal; Weather: Clear and 86 degrees; Attendance: 16,709; Misconduct Summary: Lovel Palmer (caution; Reckless Tackle) 30, Zach Loyd (caution; Reckless Tackle) 46+, Kofi Sarkodie (caution; Tactical Foul) 56, Kofi Sarkodie (caution; Reckless Tackle) 72, Kofi Sarkodie (ejection; Second Caution) 72, Brek Shea (caution; Unsporting Behavior) 91+;

New England Revolution-Los Angeles Galaxy 0-1

Marcatori: Miguel Lopez (David Beckham) 69

New England Revolution -- Matt Reis, Kevin Alston, Ryan Cochrane (Franco Coria 46), A.J. Soares, Darrius Barnes, Zak Boggs (Sainey Nyassi 67), Benny Feilhaber, Shalrie Joseph, Stephen McCarthy (Zack Schilawski 74), Chris Tierney, Rajko Lekic. Substitutes Not Used: Didier Domi, Alan Koger, Pat Phelan, Bobby Shuttleworth.

Los Angeles Galaxy -- Donovan Ricketts, Sean Franklin, A.J. DeLaGarza, Omar Gonzalez, Todd Dunivant, Landon Donovan, David Beckham (Michael Stephens 79), Juninho, Mike Magee (Chris Birchall 72), Chad Barrett (Paolo Cardozo 62), Miguel Lopez. Substitutes Not Used: Gregg Berhalter, Frankie Hejduk, Bryan Jordan, Josh Saunders.

Referee: Jorge Gonzalez; Referee's Assistants: Jeff Hosking-James Conlee; 4th Official: John McCloskey; Time of Game: 1:55; Weather: Clear-and-75-degrees; Attendance: 21,793; Misconduct Summary: David Beckham (caution; Reckless Tackle) 67;

Columbus Crew-Chivas Usa 3-3

Marcatori: Nick LaBrocca (Justin Braun, Simon Elliott) 4, Andres Mendoza (Emmanuel Ekpo) 17, Andrew Boyens (Heath Pearce) 37, Andres Mendoza (unassisted) 52, Jorge Flores (Ben Zemanski, Ante Jazic) 57, Emmanuel Ekpo (unassisted) 64;

Columbus Crew -- William Hesmer, Sebastian Miranda, Chad Marshall, Julius James, Rich Balchan, Robbie Rogers, Eddie Gaven (Andy Iro 89), Emmanuel Ekpo, Josh Gardner, Andres Mendoza (Jeff Cunningham 71), Tommy Heinemann (Justin Meram 76). Substitutes Not Used: Kevin Burns, Shaun Francis, Dejan Rusmir, Andy Gruenebaum.

Chivas USA -- Dan Kennedy, Zarek Valentin, Andrew Boyens, Heath Pearce, Ante Jazic, Ben Zemanski, Simon Elliott (Gerson Mayen 89), Nick LaBrocca, Jorge Flores, Justin Braun (Chris Cortez 89), Alejandro Moreno (Francisco Mendoza 79). Substitutes Not Used: Victor Estupinan, Mariano Trujillo, Michael Umana, Zach Thornton.

Referee: Jasen Anno; Referee's Assistants: Corey Parker-Corey Rockwell; 4th Official: Chris Penso; Time of Game: 1:52; Weather: Partly Cloudy-and-76-degrees; Attendance: 9,431; Misconduct Summary: Jorge Flores (caution; Reckless Tackle) 21, Heath Pearce (caution; Reckless Foul) 46, Jorge Flores (caution; Reckless Foul) 69, Jorge Flores (ejection; Second Caution) 69;

Chicago Fire-San Jose Earthquakes 2-2

Marcatori: Ramiro Corrales (Anthony Ampaipitakwong) 49, Dominic Oduro (Cristian Nazarit) 57, Chris Wondolowski (Anthony Ampaipitakwong, Ramiro Corrales) 74, Cory Gibbs (Baggio Husidic, Marco Pappa) 80;

Chicago Fire -- Sean Johnson, Bratislav Ristic, Yamith Cuesta, Cory Gibbs, Gonzalo Segares, Dominic Oduro (Gaston Puerari 81), Daniel Paladini (Baggio Husidic 76), Logan Pause, Marco Pappa, Diego Chaves (Orr Barouch 74), Cristian Nazarit. Substitutes Not Used: Corben Bone, Pari Pantazopoulos, Dasan Robinson, Jon Conway.

San Jose Earthquakes -- Jon Busch, Steven Beitashour, Ike Opara, Jason Hernandez, Bobby Convey, Joey Gjertsen (Anthony Ampaipitakwong 46), Brad Ring, Khari Stephenson (Sam Cronin 68), Ramiro Corrales (Brandon McDonald 87), Steven Lenhart, Chris Wondolowski. Substitutes Not Used: Bobby Burling, Ellis McLoughlin, Justin Morrow, Andrew Weber.

Referee: Abiodun Okulaja; Referee's Assistants: Peter Balciunas-Brian Poeschel; 4th Official: Allen Chapman; Time of Game: 1:51; Weather: Rain-and-65-degrees; Attendance: 11,926; Misconduct Summary: Cory Gibbs (caution; Shirt Removal) 81;


(aggiornata al 29maggio)

Eastern Conference








New York Red Bulls








Philadelphia Union








Houston Dynamo








Columbus Crew








New England Revolution








DC United








Toronto FC








Chicago Fire








Sporting Kansas City








Western Conference








Los Angeles Galaxy








Dallas FC








Seattle Sounders








Portland Timbers








Real Salt Lake








Colorado Rapids








Chivas Usa








San Jose Earthquakes








Vancouver Whitecaps









(Aggiornata al 29 maggio)

8: Donovan (Los Angeles Galaxy);

6 : Davies (DC United), Henry (New York Red Bulls), Wondolowski (San Jose Earthquakes);

5 : Rodgers (New York Red Bulls), Maicon Santos (Toronto);

4 : Chaves, Pappa (Chicago Fire), Shea (Dallas FC), Weaver (Houston Dynamo), Evans (Seattle Sounders), Renteria (Columbus Crew), Joseph (NE Revolution), Bruin (Houston Dynamo), Hassli (Vancouver Whitecaps);

3 : Oduro (Chicago Fire), A. Moreno, Braun (Chivas Usa), A. Mendoza (Columbus Crew), Pontius (DC United), J. Smith, Larentowicz (Colorado Rapids), Ferreira (Dallas FC), Barrett (Los Angeles Galaxy), Ruiz, Mwanga (Philadelphia Union), Cooper, Danso (Portland Timbers), A.Fernandez (Seattle Sounders), Bunbury, Kamara (Sporting KC), Camilo (Vancouver Whitecaps);

2 : LaBrocca (Chivas Usa), Cummings, Folan (Colorado Rapids), Rogers (Columbus Crew), Castillo, Ihemelu (Dallas FC), Wolff (DC United), Bravo (Sporting KC), A.Harris (Vancouver Whitecaps), Boswell, C. Clark (Houston Dynamo), Juninho, Angel (Los Angeles Galaxy), Mapp (Philadelphia Union), Perlaza, Jewsbury, R. Wallace (Portland Timbers), Morales, Paulo Araujo jr (Real Salt Lake), Agudelo, Richards (New York Red Bulls), Dawkins, Stephenson (San Jose Earthquakes), Zakuani, O. White, A.Fernandez, Montero (Seattle Sounders), Martina, Gordon, Plata (Toronto);

1 : Puerari, Barouch, Gibbs (Chicago Fire), Conrad, Zemanski, Trujillo, Mondaini, Boyens, J. Flores (Chivas Usa), Amarikwa, Akpan, Palguta, Moor, Casey (Colorado Rapids), Gaven, Ekpo (Columbus Crew), Quaranta, Burch (DC United), M. Rodriguez, G.John, Avila, D.Hernandez, Jacobson (Dallas FC), Cameron, Freeman, Palmer, Davis, Koke (Houston Dynamo), Schilawski, McCarthy, Stolica, Perovic, Lekic, Tierney (NE Revolution), Leonardo, Magee, O.Gonzalez, Beckham, R. Lopez (Los Angeles Galaxy), Lindpere, De Rosario, Ballouchy (New York Red Bulls), Califf, Torres, LeToux, M. Farfan, G. Farfan, Nakazawa (Philadelphia Union), Brunner (Portland Timbers), Beckerman, A.Williams, Schuler, Espindola, W. Johnson, N. Gonzalez (Real Salt Lake), Lenhart, McLoughlin, Convey, Corrales (San Jose Earthquakes), Parke, Ianni, Neagle (Seattle Sounders), Sapong, Besler, R.Smith (Sporting KC), De Rosario*, Tchani (Toronto), Dunfield, Rochat, Salgado, Chiumiento (Vancouver Whitecaps);

Autogol : Brunner (Timbers, pro Fire), O.Gonzalez (Galaxy, pro Sporting);