Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Death Cab for Cutie

You have probably heard the new Death Cab single by now, but if you haven't, I am embedding the video below. I have mixed feelings about Death Cab, but I think this song is great.

I discovered the band early, when someone put "Scientist Studies" from We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes (2000) on a mix for me. I saw them on The Photo Album tour in 2001, and there has been no looking back. When Death Cab is on, they are one of my favorite bands. Transatlanticism is my favorite album by the band, and my #6 album of the decade. Part of that is because of when and where I first heard it (in Zambia as I was falling love). Their two albums since have been minor (Plans) and major (Narrow Stairs) disappointments for me. I think Narrow Stairs is their low point, both musically (boring) and lyrically (jaded).

I have read lots of positive interviews and press about Codes and Keys, and this first song really impressed me and gave me hope they are on the right track. Plus with Ben Gibbard's marriage to Zooey Deschanel hopefully he has some positive experiences to write about!

You can preorder the album on their website, but honestly the options are far too expensive. I will order the vinyl on Amazon whenever it shows up there.